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The Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar


Are you Struggling to overcome your Sugar Fix ?

Being addicted to sugar and flour is not an emotional eating disorder. It’s a biological disorder, driven by hormones and neurotransmitters that fuel sugar and carb cravings — leading to uncontrolled overeating

Hi. I'm Coach Ilanit and just like you, I have cravings & feel the holiday bloat. That's why we need a clear path to detox from sugar, to break the addictive cycle of carb and sugar cravings that robs us of our health. And it only takes 7-days to get the hacks. We need science, not willpower, to reverse this.

That’s why I created the Ditch the Sugar to Better health- no overwhelming, time consuming, no cravings, no bland or boring diet food, no deprivation. Just abundance and delight.
And at the end of the 7days, get your body and your mind back, and learn a new way to eat and live that will last a lifetime — a long one!

Bonus: Get a 1-1 Coaching Consultation ($70 value) included as part of the challenge

YESSS!! I want to be part of the Challenge

This simple step by step reset with full support- 

7-day challenge to kicking your sweet cravings, so you can Improve all areas of your health from your weight, sleep, cravings, mood, energy, skin, and even slow down aging, with easy-to-implement, science-based hacks to manage your blood sugar levels while still eating the foods you love.

This Challenge is for you if you’re...

  • waking up exhausted,
  • feel tired after meals,
  • are constantly snacking 
  • feel as though you are never satiated
  • needing coffee to keep you going throughout the day
  • constantly looking to increase your energy and stamina
  • stressed &/or anxious
  • can't sleep
  • lack of self-control  
  • dealing with hormonal changes

and you need to do something to reboot your body and brain!

You already know that Sugar is addictive. That means that it will alter your brain chemistry, and over time you start to crave more and more sugar. The urge for your next sweet fix comes more frequently and you need to consume it in larger quantities. And like any other drug, it comes with some pretty scary side effects. Not being able to fit into your favorite skirt because of your cravings is the least of your problems.
Learn to lower your glucose levels quickly—and for good—without going on a diet.

By the end of this Fun Challenge,

you will have…

  • The tools & inspiration to be in Control & motivated with your personal goals.

  • Healthy Recipes, Sample Meal Plan & Shopping list designed to teach you how to confidently lower your sugar intake.

  • An in-depth guide & cheat sheets on how much sugar is unhealthy and where you can find natural alternatives.

  • Daily Mindset coaching in less than 10 minutes on video/audio 

  • A journal & check list so you can keep track to boost your confidence

  • Coaching & Support by Coach Ilanit in your back pocket, in a community of like-minded Jewish Women to hold you accountable.

  • Group Workshop

  • Live Group Coaching in WhatsApp Group +Bonuses to keep you in the game!

Why let yourself miss out?

This unique and unmissable opportunity will take all of the guesswork out of the process; you will know exactly what you need to do to get the results you really crave.

You’ll have clearer thinking, a healthier body, a happier mind, more energy, better sleep, glowing skin, stronger teeth and so much more. And that’s priceless!!

I’m making this life changing information really affordable because I believe that education that can keep you healthy and improve lives should be readily available.

Sugar is a hidden killer and its control over our lives is growing by the day, make sure that you arm yourself with the knowledge support and accountability necessary to kick sugar’s control. We need a clear path to detox from sugar, to break the addictive cycle of carb and sugar cravings that robs us of our health. And it only takes 7 days. We need science, not willpower, to reverse this.

Yesss!! I would love to get on the waitlist & be first to find out about the challenge